KvU was a supporter of the Renewing Material project, their groundwork in the Kibinge area and the use of the community building site allowed us to join together as we promote the preservation of bark cloth. Their continued investment in the area will build from what we did by continuing the conversation surrounding bark cloth. They are able to go a step further; they continue to support tree planting efforts, are investigating new markets for Bark Cloth/Lubugo in Europe and will be investigating the possibilities of carbon rights which could make it possible to invest in child-projects in Kibinge and other areas in Uganda.
Here is an excerpt from a recent email from Ruud - "In Uganda we are supporting a shelter for streetchildren in Kampala,school sponsoring vocational secondary education, a primary school near Jinja and the mother and child care program in Mukono. Kibinge is the other and important part of our work.In this project Kibinge we work together with the municipality of Deventer, the city we are living. It is great that this municipality wants to support the project and the local council of Masaka in improving policies for childcare, education and rural development. The most important thing in Kibinge is to help the communities in making their own plans for the future.We want to support this with ideas, attention and some funds. During my last visit I met the local people of Kibinge and i am very sure these communities want to make a better future for the families and children.
They earn our support!"
For more info, see www.kinderenvanuganda.nl
I have included photos of the Kibinge community center in progress as well as a group of students from the local teachers college participating in a Talking Mural led by Fred Mutebi. This is being painted on the community center, facing the road.